Ripple Effects: The Adoration of Earth

Our upcoming visual art exhibition entitled Ripple Effects: The Adoration of Earth is a collaboration between Dena Hawes and David Young, artists with a deep love and concern for the environment, and with different approaches to exploring issues of global warming, climate change, and the beauty of nature.

Their upcoming exhibition will debut David’s pen and ink drawings that sometimes evoke absurdity and humor as a way to invite the viewer in to a dialogue of the destructive and dangerous effects of these phenomena. Dena’s small sculptures and wearable art pieces that combine elements from nature, such as driftwood and creek stones with metal work, will also be on display.

Dena and David welcome youth perspectives and participation, seeing young people as the next stewards of the earth. During the exhibition, there will be two Interactive Educational Youth Workshops that are free to kids in our local communities. We encourage ages 9 through 16.

There will also be a free presentation by Ben Brabson, Indiana University Emeritus Professor of Physics and Climate Scientist, his lecture is entitled “The Arts and the Science of Climate Change”.

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